Darren Rowse at ProBlogger has announced a new Group Writing Project to be started in the next 24 hours. This is just to get everyone primed and aware of the project, as last time there was about four days to write and publish your post. So, check out ProBlogger’s last group writing project so you are familiar with how it works, and be ready! I look forward to participating in this project myself. Sometimes, we need outside sources of subject material to write on, although I’m sure the project will be similar in concept to the last one, where you write in your niche, but use the style of post Darren specifies. Whatever the rules are specifically, I’m sure it will allow you to write in your area of expertise and target niche of your blog. I’m a big believer in defining the focus of your market, and then going for it with all you’ve got. The more finely targeted your market, the easier it is to serve your customers, and be the best at what you do!