I’ve made the decision this morning to target a launch date for the new theme for May 1, 2007. With that in mind, I’ve got 10 days to get it done. To that end, I’ve created a To Do list of items to be completed:
To Do
- Install copy of WordPress on development box
- Import backup of live site content to provide some content for the development site
- Create a bare-bones set of template files
- Review the default CSS before beginning development of custom CSS for new template
- Setup CSS for basic layout
- 2-Column wide left, narrow right, approximately 75% – 25% split
- Site width: 1024px (current width ~800px)
- This gives almost the same relative widths as the current template, but with an increased overall width, resulting in a wider left column (and right) to give more room for graphics & code as desired.
- Header will be short, ~ 5% +/- of screen height
- Footer will be one or two text lines
- Select color scheme
- Select photo / graphic / logo for header and develop site-wide navigation in header
- Select items to be included in sidebar:
- About – Should I include picture of me?
- Search
- Feeds
- Email subscription option?
- Archives – Perhaps better in header site-wide navigation?
- Categories and/or tag cloud?
- Blogroll – Move to separate page?
- Space for affiliate ads
- Space for site support links (Blogflux currently)
- Setup footer with statistic tracking codes, etc.
- Plan post layout and post-related plug-in use.
I’m sure I’ll come up with other details, but that will be the basic flow.